Expansive Shorelines: On Falling and Landing in Place

With Expansive Shorelines: On Falling and Landing in Place the artists are trying to create a language that articulates the land, shoreline, and islands as both a metaphor and methodology of resistance and as a theory of change.

Drawing on their own Queer, Indigenous, and Black place-making practices, they are visiting not only with each other but also with the land, the skyworld and the water in the Mediterranean Sea. These distinct ways of being and knowing not only shape the work, but also allow to notice the place-making practices of others who are often thought to be placeless or who are not thought of as place-makers.

In the three-channel video, we learn from the shoreline, the water, the sky, and the land about what it means to meet with. We learn that falling, extending, reaching, and expanding encourage a kind of flexibility towards interconnection and abundant life.

  • Susan Blight, Moira Hille, Jade Nixon
  • Multi-Media Installation, Video Performance
  • MAREBOX Project - Susan Blight | Moira Hille | Jade Nixon | Film Location: Cosenza (Italy), Kommos (Greece) | oice Recording: Tkaranto, Turtle Island/Canada | Editing: Vienna (Austria)

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